花相册 (1)


Euphorbias are very easy to care for. They require a little pampering to become established, but once they are, they are self-sufficient. In fact, more die from too much care and watering than from neglect. Euphorbias need well-draining soil and lots of sunlight. They are not particular about soil pH, but they cannot tolerant wet soil. Unlike most succulents, Euphorbia does not handle long periods of drought well. It may need weekly watering during the summer. Water whenever the soil is dry several inches below the surface. Water deeply, but don’t let them sit in wet soil, which can cause root rot. Add some organic matter or fertilizer to the planting hole. If you are growing them in containers or your soil is poor, feed with a half-strength fertilizer monthly.
Euphorbia can be grown from seed, but they can be difficult to germinate (or even find). It is usually propagated by cuttings. This can be tricky, because of the exuding sap. Rooting hormone is recommended with Euphorbias. They tend to grow problem free, but there are a few pests and diseases to be alert for… 怪奇岛是很容易照顾的。他们需要一点娇惯来养成,但一旦服盆,他们是自给自足的。事实上,过多的关心和浇灌更容易造成死亡。大戟需要排水良好的土壤和大量的阳光。它们对土壤pH值并不挑剔,但它们不能耐受潮湿的土壤。与大多数多肉植物不同,大戟不能很好地处理长期的干旱。夏天可能需要每周浇水。每当土壤在地表下几英寸处干涸时,就要浇水。但是 不要让他们坐在潮湿的土壤里,这会引起根腐病。在种植穴中添加一些有机物质或肥料。如果你是种植在容器或你的土壤是贫穷的,肥料与半强度肥料每月。
Euphorbia can be grown from seed, but they can be difficult to germinate (or even find). It is usually propagated by cuttings. This can be tricky, because of the exuding sap. Rooting hormone is recommended with Euphorbias. They tend to grow problem free, but there are a few pests and diseases to be alert for… 怪奇岛是很容易照顾的。他们需要一点娇惯来养成,但一旦服盆,他们是自给自足的。事实上,过多的关心和浇灌更容易造成死亡。大戟需要排水良好的土壤和大量的阳光。它们对土壤pH值并不挑剔,但它们不能耐受潮湿的土壤。与大多数多肉植物不同,大戟不能很好地处理长期的干旱。夏天可能需要每周浇水。每当土壤在地表下几英寸处干涸时,就要浇水。但是 不要让他们坐在潮湿的土壤里,这会引起根腐病。在种植穴中添加一些有机物质或肥料。如果你是种植在容器或你的土壤是贫穷的,肥料与半强度肥料每月。