Let the Castanospermum's soil moderately dry between the waterings. Sitting in water can lead to root rot and has to be avoided. It will enjoy being stood outside in a rain shower which will also remove any dust that has collected on the leaves – spraying regularly will help prevent dust build up.
Frequent pruning can control growth and form the Castanospermum australe into a bonsai-like short ornamental tree. This tree can be grown indoors or outdoors in a container.
The seeds are poisonous.
Frequent pruning can control growth and form the Castanospermum australe into a bonsai-like short ornamental tree. This tree can be grown indoors or outdoors in a container.
The seeds are poisonous.
花相册 (1)

Plants Encyclopdias

Name: Lucky Bean Tree
Latin: Castanospermum australe
Origin: Oceania
Plant height: 30 - 50 cm
Reproduction: #Seeds
Difficulty level: #Easy
Tags: #Oceania #Castanospermumaustrale
Latin: Castanospermum australe
Origin: Oceania
Plant height: 30 - 50 cm
Reproduction: #Seeds
Difficulty level: #Easy
Tags: #Oceania #Castanospermumaustrale