Portulaca molokiniensis is an upright growing succulent plant that branches from the base to form a small shrub, up to 12 inches (30 cm) tall, with upright 0.8 inch (2 cm) inch thick, round, corky stems, bearing up to 2 inches (5 cm) long, rounded, pale green succulent leaves that are arranged neatly in 4 distinct rows towards the branch tips. A cluster of small lemon yellow cup-shaped flowers subtended by leafy bracts form at the ends of stout non-leaf bearing stems that rise above a terminal rosette of leaves.
Portulaca plants tolerate many kinds of soil but prefer sandy, well-drained soil and love the full sunlight. These plants are excellent for high heat and drought tolerance, and will seed and spread themselves very well. Some control methods may be needed to keep portulaca plants from becoming invasive to areas where they are not wanted. These wonderful plants do spread easily and very well.
Portulaca species such as Purslane require no attention at all when growing and flowering; however you should remove them from the garden before Portulaca have chance to set seed as they may take over the garden. You do not need to water often for proper Portulaca care. The cylindrical foliage of the Portulaca plants retains moisture very well, thus, regular watering is not needed. When they are watered, just a light watering will do, as their root zone is very shallow.
Growing Conditions
Light: Full sunlight
Water: During the growing period the plants need frequent watering, but let dry between watering. Portulaca does not like wet conditions and will rot in constantly wet soil.
Soil: Well-drained soil is the best.
Fertilizer: An application of a balanced slow release fertilize with minor elements every 6 months.
Portulaca plants tolerate many kinds of soil but prefer sandy, well-drained soil and love the full sunlight. These plants are excellent for high heat and drought tolerance, and will seed and spread themselves very well. Some control methods may be needed to keep portulaca plants from becoming invasive to areas where they are not wanted. These wonderful plants do spread easily and very well.
Portulaca species such as Purslane require no attention at all when growing and flowering; however you should remove them from the garden before Portulaca have chance to set seed as they may take over the garden. You do not need to water often for proper Portulaca care. The cylindrical foliage of the Portulaca plants retains moisture very well, thus, regular watering is not needed. When they are watered, just a light watering will do, as their root zone is very shallow.
Growing Conditions
Light: Full sunlight
Water: During the growing period the plants need frequent watering, but let dry between watering. Portulaca does not like wet conditions and will rot in constantly wet soil.
Soil: Well-drained soil is the best.
Fertilizer: An application of a balanced slow release fertilize with minor elements every 6 months.
花相册 (4)


Bought another Portulaca Molokiniensis from C&O RM3.00


From LS Succulents 金銭木 RM8.


This is my first growing diary.